ESE has worked in partnership with Keele University to help achieve the University’s aims to be carbon neutral by 2030. Keele’s latest venture has involved the design and build of a multi-technology energy park which will generate up to 50% of the University’s electricity needs. The energy park includes two wind turbines, 12,500 PV panels and an industrial size battery. The renewable energy park will provide up to 50% of the campus electricity needs, with saved carbon emissions equating to around 1,500 tonnes per year. Any excess electricity will be fed back into the grid to provide renewable energy in the local area.
As well as introducing major environmental benefits, the energy park will also enable innovative University research to understand the role of decentralised energy production and storage combined with smart grids in the UK’s transition to zero carbon energy. Keele University was one of the first to declare a climate change emergency in 2019 and is supporting Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council in its pledge to become carbon neutral.
ESE has been a vital part of this project in both design and completion to ensure the smooth running of the large-scale project from project conception to completion. ESE completed HV design and installation works on this prestigious trailblazing project, something we are very proud to have been a part of!